How do you live with depression?

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  • #1665
    Hope Vision Action
    Hope Vision Action, former Studied Addiction and Mental Health Issues at Colleges and Universities (1981-1985)

    You need to speak with your Doctor. You need to share your thoughts with your closest friends and family members. You need to educate yourself on what depression really is, and to start taking the little steps that are absolutely in your control to help get yourself past it.

    Get comfortable with it. Like in meditation, if you focus your energy on it all the time? It gets very much harder to get rid of it. Picture it in a bubble and gloating away… see yourself as you would be without depression. And of course, these things must go hand in hand with medical steps that your Doctor may prescribe.

    You are normal. You are ok. You are ill right now. But you can get better. And you can be happy – fully, wholly and absolutely happy again. Never forget that.

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