
Our answer to: Does rehab succeed if you do not continue in the AA/NA program?

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  • #1693
    Hope Vision Action
    Hope Vision Action, former Studied Addiction and Mental Health Issues at Colleges and Universities (1981-1985)

    Ultimately, rehab succeeds for those who “stick to the program”. Now, unlike other responses – “The Program” for us is not just AA or NA. The program for us is centered on what we see are the key components to success:

    1. Recognize that the problem is not solved, but that it is under control
    2. Surround yourself with a circle of support. Many people find this circle in AA or NA. Others find it in SMART. Others find it in Church, or family – the circle of support is what matters most.
    3. Resolve to help others facing those problems that you are now getting past.
    4. Meditate and/or pray – focus, learn to focus, and take that time to get inside your own head.

    There are lots of people who succeed in AA/NA etc. There are lots who fail there too. There are lots of people who succeed on their own too. Your level of commitment, with those 4 points above? You can win too.


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