Tibetan Buddhism Course

From Embodied Philosophy


We are witnessing a time of great geo-political, economic and ecological upheaval. At the same time a spiritual revolution is emerging, with burgeoning interest in methods for expanding human consciousness. As more people grow dissatisfied with materialistic culture, and taste the benefits of meditation, yoga, and plant medicines many are becoming increasingly committed to the deeper contemplative sciences and embodied philosophies that underpin these practices.

This four-part course surveys Tibetan Buddhism, specifically it’s unique practices of visualization, renunciation, and compassion grounded in its scientific world-view of interdependence.  The course asks not only how do Buddhists understand and relate to our current global predicament but invites you to personally consider how to become fully human. Each class will address the most salient existential questions we each face: how to learn, how to let go, how to love and how to lead. Content is presented through an interdisciplinary lens, using the idiom of psychotherapy and neuroscience to make ancient principals and practices even more relevant to our modern mindset.

About Your Teacher

Miles Neale, PsyD, is a Buddhist psychotherapist in private practice, and faculty member of Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science, and Tibet House (US), all initiatives that aim to preserve and assimilate Tibet’s rich curriculum of awakening into contemporary life. With more than twenty years integrating the mind science and meditative arts of Tibetan Buddhism with neuroscience and psychotherapy, Miles is a forerunner in the emerging field of contemplative psychotherapy, and offers public teachings and professional trainings worldwide. Miles is coeditor of Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy (Routledge, 2017) and author of Gradual Awakening: The Tibetan Buddhist Path of Becoming Fully Human along with its companion audio course The Gradual Path (Sounds True, 2018). He is based in New York City. Visit milesneale.com for more information.

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